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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The Best Addictive Christmas Jam

There are ssooo many versions of Christmas Jam that it is hard to decide which one to try. My recommendation: just pick one! No matter which recipe you choose, the combination of strawberries and cranberries is never a bad one.

What makes this recipe better than the other’s you’ll find? Absolutely nothing! It’s all preference. But I will say, I’ve gifted this one for the holidays for the past two years and it was a HUGE hit. In fact, a few of my giftees came up to me and very specifically requested that a bigger jar of the jam be the only gift they get next year.

So what makes this recipe different than the others you’ll find?

  • The spices! This recipe is not just a cranberry strawberry jam
  • The secret ingredient: 1 orange
  • The texture: I don’t like clumpy jam so I blend this one to make it more like jelly

Finally, what makes this recipe chaotic? This recipe is chaotic because when I created it I just combined about 4 other recipes from blogs, 3 TikTok videos and then some of my own methods. The most chaotic part? I didn’t write it down! After so many people liked it I needed to find all of those blogs and videos again and then write down what I think past me did. Good news: I got it right.

Now… The things I probably didn’t get right: I think I way over-estimated the amount of time it will take an experienced canner to make this jam. Let me know in the comments!

Addictive Christmas Jam

Cranberry, Strawberry, Orange and Spices
Prep Time 1 hour
Cook Time 1 hour


  • 12 Half Pint Canning Jars or 24 Quarter Pint jars
  • 1 Water Bath Canner
  • 1 Immersion Blender
  • 1 Medium Pot


  • 40 oz Frozen Strawberries Unsweetened!
  • 16 oz Cranberries Fresh or Frozen
  • 1 Orange Peeled
  • 5 lbs Sugar
  • 2 3 oz Liquid Fruit Pectin Packets
  • 1 tsp Ground Cinnamon
  • 1 tsp Ground Ginger
  • 1/4 tsp Ground Allspice
  • 1/4 tsp Ground Cloves


  • Start boiling water in your water bath canner and sterilize your jars.
  • Pulse strawberries, cranberries and orange in food process to break them up a bit and make them more uniform in size.
  • Add fruit to a medium sauce pot with sugar and spices. Stir.
  • Bring fruit pot to a full rolling boil and boil for 1 minute.
  • Remove from heat and blend with your immersion blender. If you want a chunkier jam skip this step.
  • Stir in liquid pectin and return to stove.
  • Boil for 1 minute stirring constantly.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Skim off any foam with a spoon (and eat it because you can).
  • Ladle hot jam into hot jars filling to 1/2 inch head space. Technically, you can do 1/4 inch head space but I've had sealing problems when I do that.
  • Clean your rims and add your lids finger tip tight.
  • Using tongs place in water bath canner. Remember that there must be at least 2 inches of water above your lids for proper canning!
  • Bring water to a rolling boil and process for 10 minutes.
  • Remove jars and let sit for 12-24 hours before removing the rings.
  • Check your seals, wash your jars, and put them on the shelf!
  • If you're gifting these jars, add a cute piece of fabric between the lid and the ring.


Keyword cranberry, jam, strawberry

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