There are ssooo many versions of Christmas Jam that it is hard to decide which one to try. My recommendation: just pick one! No matter which recipe you choose, the combination of strawberries and cranberries is never a bad one.
What makes this recipe better than the other’s you’ll find? Absolutely nothing! It’s all preference. But I will say, I’ve gifted this one for the holidays for the past two years and it was a HUGE hit. In fact, a few of my giftees came up to me and very specifically requested that a bigger jar of the jam be the only gift they get next year.
So what makes this recipe different than the others you’ll find?
The spices! This recipe is not just a cranberry strawberry jam
The secret ingredient: 1 orange
The texture: I don’t like clumpy jam so I blend this one to make it more like jelly
Finally, what makes this recipe chaotic? This recipe is chaotic because when I created it I just combined about 4 other recipes from blogs, 3 TikTok videos and then some of my own methods. The most chaotic part? I didn’t write it down! After so many people liked it I needed to find all of those blogs and videos again and then write down what I think past me did. Good news: I got it right.
Now… The things I probably didn’t get right: I think I way over-estimated the amount of time it will take an experienced canner to make this jam. Let me know in the comments!