Start boiling water in your water bath canner and sterilize your jars.
Pulse strawberries, cranberries and orange in food process to break them up a bit and make them more uniform in size.
Add fruit to a medium sauce pot with sugar and spices. Stir.
Bring fruit pot to a full rolling boil and boil for 1 minute.
Remove from heat and blend with your immersion blender. If you want a chunkier jam skip this step.
Stir in liquid pectin and return to stove.
Boil for 1 minute stirring constantly.
Remove from heat.
Skim off any foam with a spoon (and eat it because you can).
Ladle hot jam into hot jars filling to 1/2 inch head space. Technically, you can do 1/4 inch head space but I've had sealing problems when I do that.
Clean your rims and add your lids finger tip tight.
Using tongs place in water bath canner. Remember that there must be at least 2 inches of water above your lids for proper canning!
Bring water to a rolling boil and process for 10 minutes.
Remove jars and let sit for 12-24 hours before removing the rings.
Check your seals, wash your jars, and put them on the shelf!
If you're gifting these jars, add a cute piece of fabric between the lid and the ring.