How to quickly create a bread bag from raw fabric. This pattern was designed for a "standard" circular boule of sourdough. I bake mine in a 6qt dutch oven.
113 inch x 28 inch piece%100 Linen FabricCould also use 100% cotton
1SpoolFabric RibbonCould also use bias tape or cotton cord
Cut out a 13 inch by 28 inch piece of linen with pinking shears
Fold the long edges over 1/2 inch and iron flat.
Pin in place and use a straight stitch to secure.
Fold right sides together long-ways and pin in place.
Sew along the edges leaving 2 inches at the open side.
Using your iron, fold down the open edges at the 1.5 inch mark and using a straight stitch sew 1 inch below the fold to create your drawstring channel.
Flip the bag right-side out to admire your creation.
Using a safety pin (or pure determination) thread your ribbon all the way around the bag through the channel.
Tie a knot to secure the ribbon and repeat the process this time starting on the opposite side of the bag.
You should now have a bag with a ribbon tie on either side and you should be able to pull it closed by pulling the two knotted sides.
Add bread and you're done! Consider adding beeswax to your bread if you live in a dry climate or have a dry house with the heat on all the time. I'll be trying this for the first time soon and I'll post my results.